L377 "Prince Tiger Pleco"

$49.99 $59.99

Common Name - Prince Tiger Pleco

Scientific Name - Peckoltia sp.

Max Size - 6"

Care - Moderate

Temperature Range - 74-83F

pH - 6.5-7.5

Diet - Omnivore. Leans towards more meaty foods, but a mixed diet is beneficial. Currently feeding on a mix of EBO Spirulina Granules, EBO Mussel Sticks, and EBO Shrimp Sticks.

Breeding - Moderate

Notes - This less popular Peckoltia species is a great fit for a mid-sized aquarium. At just 6" full grown, they can easily be accommodated in many aquariums. When comfortable, the fish display a brighter orange coloration, while their stress pattern is a more washed out gray. Provide plenty of hides and some open areas, and these plecos will show their true colors!