L177 "Gold Seam Gold Nugget Pleco"
Common Name - Gold Seam/Big Spot Gold Nugget
Scientific Name - Baryancistrus xanthellus
Max Size - 10"
Care - Difficult
Temperature Range - 74-82F
pH - 6.0-7.5
Diet - Biofilm, protein based foods, and vegetables. Currently feeding on EBO Spirulina Granules, EBO Spirulina Tabs, and EBO Mussel Sticks.
Breeding - Difficult
Origin - Wild Brazil
Notes - The Gold Seam or Big Spot Gold Nugget Pleco is a close relative of the L018 and L081 Gold Nugget Plecos. Most likely the same species, the Gold Nugget Plecos are one of the most desirable additions to any tank. A stunning specimen with bright yellow spots and fin seams, this pleco is a great addition to any tank. Baryancistrus species can be very difficult to acclimate to captivity, so extra care must be taken in order to ensure that they will thrive. All specimens are quarantined and eating before being listed.